“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
― Albert Einstein
September 24, 2019
Background: The 11th Principle: Consent was awarded an art grant at the 2019 Alchemy Art Fundraiser for our theme camp, the Traveling Consent Tent, which premiered at Euphoria 2019. As long-standing members of the Georgia Burn Community, we were thrilled to receive our community’s support for our efforts to educate and spread awareness ...
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Open Letter to Emergence Burn
Update - February 8, 2020: The Emergence Burn's "Core" (BOD) has published a statement (pdf version) in response to this open letter. We were also invited to join a call on February 5th to discuss the actions they have taken to create a more inclusive burn. The actions taken by the Emergence Core outline in the statement addresses the vast majority of the concerns and suggested in this open letter. We are especially impressed with the Acidic Art Policy, their advisory committee called "The Pulse...
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